Pouch Awareness Month


#BeConsiderate Choose Better Health


Nicotine Pouches have empowered millions all around the world to quit smoking, safeguarding our health, finances, and relationships. They’ve profoundly impacted our lives without affecting anyone else’s, thanks to their discrete nature.

Pouches are a considerate choice for everyone: no smoke, no smell, and a choice that is virtually invisible and unobtrusive. They are the safest alternative to smoking and have proven effective in helping people quit.

Sweden’s success story is a testament to this: by not restricting oral nicotine, Sweden is on the verge of achieving the World Health Organization’s 5% smoking incidence target faster than any other country. As a result, Swedes have the lowest rates of smoking-related diseases and deaths in the EU.

However, we are concerned that some countries are considering or have implemented restrictions on Pouches, which could have devastating consequences. Please be considerate! Poorly thought-out legislation could deprive many people of this lifeline.

This month, we Pouchers are raising awareness about the most considerate, safest, and most effective way to support smokers in switching away from cigarettes. We’re also highlighting the crucial role of legislation.

Pouches should always be:

  • Accessible – Legally available in every country to those seeking a considerate alternative to cigarettes.
  • Acceptable – Available in various flavors and nicotine strengths to suit individual preferences.
  • Affordable – Ensuring Pouches remain an attractive alternative to cigarettes means keeping them affordable for all who need them. Taxes on Pouches should reflect their significantly lower health risk.


For better health,

Considerate Pouchers


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